Input data and parameters 

QualiMap command line

qualimap bamqc -bam SRR389222_sub2_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam -nw 400 -hm 3


Command line: "bismark SRR389222_sub2_trimmed.fq.gz --bowtie2 --bam --genome BismarkIndex"
Draw chromosome limits: no
Analyze overlapping paired-end reads: yes
Program: Bismark (v0.23.1)
Analysis date: Mon Sep 13 13:42:19 MSK 2021
Size of a homopolymer: 3
Skip duplicate alignments: no
Number of windows: 400
BAM file: SRR389222_sub2_trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.sorted.bam



Reference size 48,502
Number of reads 323
Mapped reads 323 / 100%
Unmapped reads 0 / 0%
Mapped paired reads 0 / 0%
Secondary alignments 0
Read min/max/mean length 24 / 36 / 35.19
Overlapping read pairs 0 / 0%
Duplicated reads (estimated) 21 / 6.5%
Duplication rate 6.29%
Clipped reads 0 / 0%

ACGT Content

Number/percentage of A's 2,866 / 25.21%
Number/percentage of C's 210 / 1.85%
Number/percentage of T's 4,906 / 43.16%
Number/percentage of G's 3,385 / 29.78%
Number/percentage of N's 0 / 0%
GC Percentage 31.63%


Mean 0.2344
Standard Deviation 2.8758

Mapping Quality

Mean Mapping Quality 0.38

Mismatches and indels

General error rate 24.89%
Mismatches 2,829

Chromosome stats

Name Length Mapped bases Mean coverage Standard deviation
chr 48502 11367 0.2344 2.8758

Coverage across reference 

Coverage Histogram 

Coverage Histogram (0-50X) 

Genome Fraction Coverage 

Duplication Rate Histogram 

Mapped Reads Nucleotide Content 

Mapped Reads GC-content Distribution 

Mapping Quality Across Reference 

Mapping Quality Histogram