---------------------------------------------------- ,--./,-. ___ __ __ __ ___ /,-._.--~\ |\ | |__ __ / ` / \ |__) |__ } { | \| | \__, \__/ | \ |___ \`-._,-`-, `._,._,' nf-core/methylseq v1.6.1 ---------------------------------------------------- Run Name: festering_kirch ## nf-core/methylseq execution completed successfully! ## The workflow was completed at 2021-09-15T04:38:13.558790+03:00 (duration: 4h 16m 44s) The command used to launch the workflow was as follows: nextflow run nf-core/methylseq -profile cfdna Pipeline Configuration: ----------------------- - Pipeline Release: master - Run Name: festering_kirch - Input: null - Aligner: bismark - Data Type: Paired-End - Bismark Index: results/reference_genome/BismarkIndex/ - Fasta Ref: /home/agalicina/GENOMES/HG38_FASTA/hg38.fa - Fasta Index: /home/agalicina/GENOMES/HG38_FASTA/hg38.fa.fai - Trimming: 5'R1: 0 / 5'R2: 0 / 3'R1: 0 / 3'R2: 0 - Deduplication: No - Directional Mode: Yes - All C Contexts: Yes - Cytosine report: Yes - Save Intermediates: Reference genome build - Output dir: ./results - Launch dir: /mnt/lustre/agalicina/tmp/DimaTO/methylseq - Working dir: /mnt/lustre/agalicina/tmp/DimaTO/methylseq/work - Pipeline dir: /home/agalicina/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/methylseq - User: agalicina - Config Profile: cfdna - Max Resources: 30 GB memory, 20 cpus, 5h time per job - Config Files: /home/agalicina/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/methylseq/nextflow.config, /mnt/lustre/agalicina/tmp/DimaTO/methylseq/nextflow.config - Date Started: 2021-09-15T00:21:29.697823+03:00 - Date Completed: 2021-09-15T04:38:13.558790+03:00 - Pipeline script file path: /home/agalicina/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/methylseq/main.nf - Pipeline script hash ID: 18179884b6320ca99aa10bcca5ebb512 - Pipeline repository Git URL: https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq - Pipeline repository Git Commit: 03972a686bedeb2920803cd575f4d671e9135af0 - Pipeline Git branch/tag: master - Nextflow Version: 21.04.0 - Nextflow Build: 5552 - Nextflow Compile Timestamp: 02-05-2021 16:22 UTC -- nf-core/methylseq https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq