# nf-core/methylseq ## [v1.6.1](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.6.1) - 2021-05-08 ### Pipeline Updates * Added new config profile to run minimal test paired-end dataset, with `-profile test_paired`. Added to the CI tests. ### Bug fixes * Fixed silent bug in Bismark alignment command that had no effect on the output ([#210](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/210)) ### Software updates * Picard `2.25.1` > `2.25.4` * MultiQC `1.10` > `1.10.1` ## [v1.6](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.6) - 2021-03-26 **:warning: Breaking change!** In line with a standardisation change across all of nf-core, we have changed the main parameter name for supplying files to the pipeline. In this release, please use `--input` instead of `--reads`. The parameter still works in the same way as before. ### Pipeline Updates * Increased resources for `fastqc` process ([#143](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/143)) * Raised Nextflow version requirement to `20.07.1` * Updated template to nf-core/tools 1.13.3 * Renamed `--reads` to `--input` * Added new `--maxins` and `--minins` parameters to pass on to Bismark * New `--em_seq` preset * Sets `bismark_maxins = 1000`, `clip_r1 = 8`, `clip_r2 = 8`, `three_prime_clip_r1 = 8`, `three_prime_clip_r2 = 8` * New `--publish_dir_mode` parameter to customise results folder behaviour * Fix bug on AWS for `bismark_hisat` known splice file ([#177](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/177)) * Moved parameter documentation into new `nextflow_schema.json` file * This improves web documentation and enables `nf-core launch` functionality. See * Added a `-profile test_full` config for running the pipeline with a full-size test dataset * See [the config file](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/blob/dev/conf/test_full.config) for details * This will be used for automated release tests on AWS, results browsable on the website ### Software updates * Python base `3.7.3` > `3.8.8` * markdown `3.1.1` > `3.3.4` * pymdown-extensions `6.0` > `8.1.1` * pygments `2.6.1` > `2.8.1` * pigz `2.3.4` > `2.6` * samtools `1.9` > `1.11` * TrimGalore! `0.6.5` > `0.6.6` * Bowtie2 `2.3.5` > `2.4.2` * Hisat2 `2.2.0` > `2.2.1` * Bismark `0.22.3` > `0.23.0` * Picard `2.22.2` > `2.25.1` * MethylDackel `0.5.0` > `0.5.2` * MultiQC `1.8` > `1.10` ## [v1.5](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.5) - 2020-04-09 ### New features * Added multicore support for `TrimGalore!` * Improved the multicore support for Bismark methXtract for more parallelisation ([#121](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/121)) * Added `--cytosine_report` option to tell Bismark to give reports for all cytosines in the genome. * Added options `--bismark_align_cpu_per_multicore` and `--bismark_align_cpu_per_multicore` to customise how Bismark align `--multicore` is decided ([#124](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/124)) The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ### Software updates * _New_: pigz `2.3.4` * Python base `2.7` > `3.7.3` * FastQC `0.11.8` > `0.11.9` * TrimGalore! `0.6.4` > `0.6.5` * HiSAT2 `2.1.0` > `2.2.0` * Bismark `0.22.2` > `0.22.3` * Qualimap `2.2.2c` > `2.2.2d` * Picard `2.21.3` > `2.22.2` * MethylDackel `0.4.0` > `0.5.0` * MultiQC `1.7` > `1.8` ### Pipeline Updates * Fixed bug where the iGenomes config was loaded after the references were set ([#121](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/121)) * Removed awsbatch config profile because it is now served by [nf-core/configs](https://github.com/nf-core/configs) * Tidied up the summary log messages when starting the pipeline * Fewer messages saying what you're _not_ doing, sanitised the order of some logs and removed a few things * Slightly refactored the code for trimming parameters * Updated template to tools 1.9 ### Bug fixes * Fixed error where MethylDackel would consume the Nextflow channels and not work with more than one sample [#140](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/140) ## [v1.4](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.4) - 2019-11-19 ### New features * Changed all parameter names to `snake_case` * Added `--local_alignment` option to run Bismark with the `--local` flag to allow soft-clipping of reads. * Added support for bismark's [SLAM-seq mode](https://github.com/FelixKrueger/Bismark/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#slam-seq-mode) * Added support for running bismark with HISAT2 as an aligner option [#85](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/85) * Added support for centralized configuration profiles [nf-core/configs](https://github.com/nf-core/configs) * Add `--meth_cutoff` parameter to change default for `bismark_methylation_extractor` * eg. use `--meth_cutoff 5` on the command line or `params.meth_cutoff = 5` to require 5 overlapping reads to call a methylation site. * Added `--methyl_kit` option to run MethylDackel with the `--methylKit` flag, producing output suitable for the methylKit R package. ### Software updates * _new dependency_: hisat2 `2.1.0` * _new dependency_: r-markdown `1.1` * TrimGalore! `0.5.0` > `0.6.4` * Bismark `0.20.0` > `0.22.2` * Bowtie2 `` > `2.3.5` * Picard `2.18.21` > `2.21.3` * Qualimap `2.2.2b` > `2.2.2c` * MethylDackel `0.3.0` > `0.4.0` ### Pipeline updates * Keep memory in GB for samtools, to avoid problems with unit conversion ([#99](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/99)) * Changed `params.container` for `process.container` * Synchronised with version 1.7 of the nf-core/tools template ### Bug fixes * Fixed a bug that caused conda dependencies to be resolved very slowly * Allowed some spare memory in the samtools sort steps, avoiding crashes for some users ([#81](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/81)) ## [v1.3](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.3) - 2019-02-01 ### New features * Added [preseq](http://smithlabresearch.org/software/preseq/) analysis to calculate sample complexity. * This new step can help decide sufficient sequencing depth has been reached. ### Bug fixes * Fixed new bug that meant pipeline only worked with one sample at a time [#66](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/66) * Introduced in previous release. TrimGalore onwards would only process one sample. ## [v1.2](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.2) - 2019-01-02 ### New features * Trim 9bp from both ends of both reads for PBAT mode. * Save `where_are_my_files.txt` to results directory to inform the user about missing intermediate files [#42](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/42) ### Software updates * Fastqc `0.11.7` > `0.11.8` * Bowtie2 `` > `` * Bismark `0.19.1` > `0.20.0` * Qualimap `2.2.2a` > `2.2.2b` * Picard `2.18.11` > `2.18.21` * MultiQC `1.6` > `1.7` ### Bug fixes * Fixed error when running the pipeline with `--unmapped` * Previously, could result in error `Error ~ No such variable: bismark_unmapped` * Fixed error where single-sample reports could mix up log files [#48](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/issues/48) * Fixed bug in MultiQC process that skipped results from some tools * Supply available memory as argument to Picard MarkDuplicates ## [v1.1](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.1) - 2018-08-09 * Tests simplified - now work by simply using the `test` config profile * eg: `nextflow run nf-core/methylseq -profile test,docker` * Removed previous `run_test.sh` script and data * New `Singularity` build script for direct compatibility with [singularity-hub](https://singularity-hub.org/) * Minor improvements to the docs * A number of boilerplate nf-core code updates * Updated `process$name` nextflow syntax to avoid warnings in new versions of nextflow * Updated software tools * `trim-galore` `v0.4.5` update to `0.5.0` * `samtools` `v1.8` update to `1.9` * `bowtie2` `v2.3.4.1` update to `` * `multiqc` `v1.5` update to `1.6` * `picard` `v2.18.2` update to `2.18.11` * `bwameth` `v0.2.0` update to `0.2.2` ## [v1.0](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/releases/tag/1.0) - 2018-04-17 Version 1.0 marks the first release of this pipeline under the nf-core flag. It also marks a significant step up in the maturity of the workflow, with everything now in a single script and both aligner workflows fully supported. * Renamed and moved [SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq](https://github.com/SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq/) to [nf-core/methylseq](https://github.com/nf-core/methylseq/) * Merged bwa-meth and bismark pipeline scripts, now chosen with `--aligner` flag * Refactored multi-core parameters for Bismark alignment and methylation extraction * Rewrote most of the documentation * Changed the Docker container to use Bioconda installations --- Previous to these releases, this pipeline was called [SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq](https://github.com/SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq): ## v0.4dev * Fixed MultiQC channel bug * Integrated config for QBiC Tuebingen * Numerous small container bugfixes * Refactored how the config is loaded * Fix for resource limit function, improved resource request defaults * Fix for iGenomes base path in configs ## [v0.3.1](https://github.com/SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq/releases/tag/0.3.1) - 2017-09-05 * Include base profile name and documentation about Singularity. * Testing automated docker hub image tagging for releases. ## [v0.3](https://github.com/SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq/releases/tag/0.3) - 2017-09-01 * Fix `--rrbs` mode ([#24](https://github.com/SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq/issues/24)) * Fixed fairly major bug where only a single sample would run past alignment * Merged test scripts and rewrote to use command line flags / new travis script. * Refactored software version collection code to be more resilient and cleaner / easier to maintain. * Dropped support for environment modules and added support for use of Singularity on UPPMAX ## [v0.2](https://github.com/SciLifeLab/NGI-MethylSeq/releases/tag/0.2) - 2017-07-17 First (semi-) stable release of the new NGI-MethylSeq pipeline, as we head towards deployment in production.