# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. FROM jupyter/minimal-notebook USER root # libav-tools for matplotlib anim RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libav-tools && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* USER $NB_USER # Install Python 3 packages # Remove pyqt and qt pulled in for matplotlib since we're only ever going to # use notebook-friendly backends in these images RUN conda config --add channels bioconda RUN conda upgrade conda RUN conda install --quiet --yes \ 'pigz=2.3' \ 'bowtie2=2.*' \ 'samtools=1.5*' \ 'pysam' \ 'pandas=0.19*' \ 'numexpr=2.6*' \ 'matplotlib=2.0*' \ 'scipy=0.19*' \ 'seaborn=0.7*' \ 'ipywidgets=6.0*' \ 'scikit-learn=0.18*' \ 'scikit-image=0.12*' \ 'cython=0.25*' \ 'statsmodels=0.8*' \ 'hdf5=1.8.17' \ 'h5py=2.6*' && \ conda remove --quiet --yes --force qt pyqt && \ conda clean -tips # Adding some specific packages for Hi-C data analysis RUN pip install https://bitbucket.org/mirnylab/mirnylib/get/tip.tar.gz RUN pip install https://bitbucket.org/mirnylab/hiclib/get/tip.tar.gz && \ # Patch for fixing "long file name error" sed -i 's/".fastq.gz"/".gz"/g' /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hiclib/mapping.py RUN cd /tmp && \ wget --no-proxy https://github.com/nezar-compbio/lavaburst/archive/master.zip && \ unzip master.zip && \ cd lavaburst-master/ && \ python setup.py install --prefix='/opt/conda/' # Adding ipython notebooks with code #COPY ./*py* work/ # Activate ipywidgets extension in the environment that runs the notebook server RUN jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension --sys-prefix # Import matplotlib the first time to build the font cache. ENV XDG_CACHE_HOME /home/$NB_USER/.cache/ RUN MPLBACKEND=Agg python -c "import matplotlib.pyplot" USER $NB_USER